Moscow: Leadership Transition
The founding president of the Eurasian Theological Seminary in Moscow, Rudolfo Giron, D.Min., resigned unexpectedly to assume the leadership of the Hispanic Institute of Ministry in Dallas, TX. The official appointment of a new president will not take place until April or May. In the meantime, Tom has been asked to be the interim administrative director of the school.
During the first half of February, I (Tom) spent two weeks in Moscow. Although I had been previously scheduled to teach Pentecostal History and History of the Church of God, most of my time was taking care of administrative tasks. In fact, since my return to Germany, most of my time has been used for the school in Moscow
Family News
The family is doing well. Colin has begun taking piano lessons and seems to enjoy it. We allowed Brianna to start with piano lessons – she wants to play in church like her daddy does – but we realized that it’s a bit too early for her to start of lessons. And two weeks ago Kevin began to take a guitar class offered at our church and loves it. We also thank the Lord that we have stayed in good health.
In February we had parent-teacher conferences and had very positive reports about the kids. The kindergarten raved about Brianna. Kevin’s teacher was pleased with Kevin’s performance, his grades are strong and we are working through the issues of ADD. Colin will “graduate” from elementary school (which here ends with the 4th grade) and has been recommended to attend the “gymnasium”, the upper-level middle school in Germany. Claudia and I have been sol blessed.
Your partners in missions,
Tom and Claudia