Monday, March 12, 2007

February Thanks from the Rossons

Beginning the Spring Semester in Moscow

In last month’s thank you letter, I mentioned that our school in Moscow has a new provost – Ilya Okhotnikov. There are other changes at school with the support staff, too  We also increased our enrollment by one. Currently we have 25 students in the on-campus program. We have an additional 100 students in our “extensions” program, including those who commute for block courses in Moscow.


Leadership and Church Growth Courses

The next two weeks promise to be exciting at ETSM. Dail Fields, Professor of Leadership Studies at Regent University will teach an intensive for students, pastors, and regional overseers. Nick Park from Solid Rock Church of God in Ireland will teach the following week a course in church planting, growth and evangelism. Please pray for two transformative weeks in Moscow.


Once an EBSler, always an EBSler

Many of our supporters will remember that Claudia and I previously served at the European Bible Seminary in Rudersberg, Germany. The school has since moved to Kniebis, Germany and is now known as the European Theological Seminary (ETSK). (In fact, we live in the old EBS building in Rudersberg.) Tom has been invited to speak March 21 in their chapel service and colloquium. This will be the first school function that we have attended since our departure from EBS in 1998. Please pray for this time of ministry to the students at ETSK.


Budget Update: “It’s Only Money”

We keep our budget in your prayers. The Lord has blessed us with great financial partners; many of you have been with us faithfully for several years. But a have had some attrition and we could use a few more churches and individual donors. Our reserves with World Missions have reached a low point – the lowest in two years. As a result, Tom will travel in April to do some fundraising in the States. Please pray that the Lord will bless us with new partners (church and individuals) so that we can broaden the base of support.