Friday, October 06, 2006

During the first week of September, Claudia and I traveled to Moscow for an intensive week at the seminary. As we mentioned last month, we held graduation ceremonies along with opening service. We had three graduates in this unusual September graduation. Our student enrollment is a bit lower than last year. Including the fourth year interns, we have about 40 students. Then we also have an additional 105 students in our extension programs in three countries.

Also while in Moscow, we hosted Drs. Manfred & Barbara Kohl. Dr. Manfred Kohl is Program Director for Overseas Council International. OCI is a non-denominational agency that supports a select number of Bible schools in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. They have helped a number of schools with (1) faculty development (helping teachers further their education); (2) facility development (i.e., building facilities), (3) scholarships for students. One COG school that has benefited from OCI is the school in Quito, Ecuador. They are looking for more "partner" schools and have us in consideration.

Also during our stay in Moscow, we hosted John Buchhi from Advancing Native Missions. John and I were on staff together at Covenant Church of God in Virginia. ANM is a missions organization that focuses on the 10-40 window. ANM may choose sponsor students from relatively unreached people groups (such as Central Asian republics, Siberia, Mongolia, etc.).

Tom also made a trip to Slavyansk, Ukraine for the first ever meeting of a Russian-language education committee. The purpose of the meeting was to develop a curriculum and program of non-residential based ministerial training that will be implemented in all of the Russian speaking countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, possible Mongolia, etc.). One the Sunday that I was there, the local church had its bi-monthly baptismal service -- 13 people! And they also installed a new pastor, a former EBS student of ours in Germany – Eberhard Dudzsus.

Next month, we’ll share more about our ministry in Germany.

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