Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Trip To Romania

I just returned from Romania where I taught an “Introduction to Leadership” course. Imagine packing a two (semester) credit hour course into one week. It proved to be an intensive week for students and teacher alike. But we had a great group of students.

I arrived in Bucharest on Friday, Septmeber 31, in order to participate in the graduation exercises of our Bible school. The school has a long and rich history. During the days of communism, the school was allowed only five students a year (a total enrollment, not per class). Now, the Institute of Pentecostal Theology Bucharest is a four-year, bachelor’s degree granting institution. This year IPTB graduated 39 students and has an incoming class of 50 new students. That’s a big praise report!

On the Sunday evening after the graduation service, I was given the opportunity to preach in the Philadelphia Church in Bucharest. 23 years ago as a member of the Lee Singers, we visited this church and held an impromptu worship service. Everyone present felt the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit – even our communist tour guides! In 1983, most people never dreamed of the freedoms that would come to Romania. And I certainly never thought that I would have the opportunity to preach in this very church. It was humbling, yet at the same time pretty cool!

One of the interesting things about the Romanian culture, they have two full sermons per service. Plus plenty of music before, between and after the sermons. Dr. Lynn Stone (from Cleveland) and I kept things short, only preaching 35 minutes each.

Later this month, I’ll be in Moscow. During the first week of November, Claudia and I will be at the German National Assembly where I am one of the morning speakers. More details on this later.

1 comment:

TheRevRan said...

Great blog! It is so good to hear what God is doing around the world. I am envious! Be Blessed.

